Monday, November 06, 2006

A Political Manifesto

Okay, it’s not really a manifesto; more a statement of belief.

Or disbelief, as the case may be.

I am a political atheist.

I don’t believe in any political party. Not that they do not exist; we should be so lucky. Rather, that none of them exist to serve their constituents. They exist to stuff their coffers and pass their laws and pat each other on the back telling themselves they know what’s better for us than we do.

[ed. note: no, this is not that kind of manifesto. I am not moving to a hut in Montana and mailing letters to government officials/agencies.]

Be that as it may, this is the best system we have. It’s the only system we have. Therefore, we must work within it. Even if it is bullshit.

So get out and vote. Hell, vote often.

Even if the one party wants to blow up the world and another wants to appease it and still another wants to make it illegal to breathe on odd number days.

At least if you vote, you can officially complain about the state of the government.

At least until the next election.

A Quick Follow Up

Two things -

1) I did not clean the gutters this weekend. Instead I rode my motorcycle.

P.Pie felt that my post might lead people to believe that I did the 'right' thing by cleaning the gutters. I did not. [ed. note: you can't make a leopard change its spots.]

2) The fictional story about sneaking the infants past the EP was written in about 30 minutes with no proofing.

After re-reading it, I should have proofed it. Sorry. It was just meant as humor and not a measuring stick for my creative fiction skills.

Classes? We don't need no stinking classes

The general response to the 'classes' question is that parenting is natural thing that doesn't really require classes.

For me, I'm in 100% agreement.

P.Pie, on the other hand, is worried.

So I am signed up for a fathers class next week and a couples birthing class this week.

I could have stood my ground, and said no, I'm not doing that. When it comes to parenting, I'm pretty sure I'll know what I'm doing.

After all, I am Gunslinger's favorite uncle for a reason.

But what's the point? I'd rather have a battle about riding the motorcycle instead of cleaning the gutters (can you guess what I did this weekend?).

So we've got our first class this week and you can bet it will be fodder for the blog.