Something You May Not Know
Alright. Maybe not clairvoyant. She just knows me. In fact, I think it is safe to say she knows me better than anyone, anywhere knows me or has ever known me.
As I write this, I’m watching ‘60 Sunset Strip’ [Ed. Note: It’s a great show, I don’t care what critics say about it]. Anyway, Sting is on the show, playing Sting (duh), and he’s pushing his new lute album. As I paused in writing to watch/listen, a thought flittered through my head – I really want to get The Police box set.
From the bedroom, P.Pie says in a sleepy voice, “Don’t forget to get The Police box set.”
P.Pie had, without forethought or malice, pulled a thought from my head and voiced it as I thought it. She’s good.
Granted, I mentioned twice this past weekend that I wanted to get the set. But that’s not the point.
The point is, she loves me. Now I just need to go out and do something to prove I’m worth while.
Then I gotta figure out how to prove it to the twins.