Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Boy Explosion

Axe has been blowing the doors off of 2010!

First, as the pictures point out, we have had success on the potty! Don’t get too excited; the first time, Tuesday morning, he woke up with a dry diaper and I had the forethought to place on the throne. The second time, Saturday afternoon, he was standing in our bedroom and concentrating really hard.

“Axe,” I said. “Do you need to potty?” He looked at me, then in the direction of the bathroom and trotted that way. So scooped him up, undid his britches, and plopped him on the toilet. Shortly thereafter, we had our first poop on the potty.

A round of applause and ‘hip, hip, hurrahs’ went up throughout the house.

Of course, one peepee and one poop do not a trained potty’er make. We are not drill sergeants about potty training, but rather we like to ease into it. As a wise man one said, “The path of a thousand miles starts with the first pee.”

Axe’s vocabulary has also exploded in the first ten days of the New Year. Actually, he’s been gearing up for the last month or two, but at daycare when we came back after the weeklong break between, they were shocked at his language skills.

And frankly, so am I.

He’s become quite the Myna bird; if you repeat a word two or three times to him, he’ll say it back to you.


Axey’s favorite word is currently Elmo. Every fuzzy creature is Elmo. Most dogs are Elmo – except our dog, Beej, & Scooby Do.

Axe pronounces it Eh-moe... realllll slowwwwww. So, I taught him to say ‘brains’ right after Elmo.

So Axe walks around the house, arms outstretched saying, Eh-moe... braaaansss.

It’s like having a toddler zombie in the house. And I laugh at it.




Hopefully his pronunciation won’t improve anytime soon.