Saturday, September 09, 2006

A New Daddy's Perspective


There is Big News in the Barron household, but I think an introduction is in order. Of course, the first readers of this blog will most likely be friends and family. So if you fall into that category, skip ahead to the next paragraph. Wait. Rather than bore you with that, you can click here to view’s info on me, or here, to visit my freelance writer website.

On to the Big News.

If you looked at the title of this blog and the header, then you’ve probably already guessed we’re having two babies! Twins! Multiples! There are probably a dozen names for multiple births, pick the one that makes you comfortable.

According to the date we got pregnant, I should be a new daddy on March 10th. But my wife’s ob/gyn (pronounced &b gI-n, one word) – herein referred to as Doc Tres (story to follow) – says it will probably be closer to February 10th.

Why 30 days early, you ask? Because twins usually do not carry to term (this from both Doc Dos as well as Doc Tres), but docs like to get them to the 36 week point prior to birthing.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, about the blog.

This blog, like many others in the New Daddy sector of the blogosphere, is intended to sort of walk you through the day to day machinations of impending fatherhood, so that if you are expecting – and make no mistake about it, you are just as “expecting” as your wife/partner – you have a some sort of benchmark to guide you. Not that your experience will be anything like mine, or anybody else’s for that matter.

Yes, there are other New Daddy blogs out there. And some are really great, like,,, and my favorite named blog, Daddy in a Strange Land, just to name a few. These are great guys telling the world how important they (we) are in the lives of their (our) children, as well as the significance of the father’s role in the whole child rearing experience.

In fact, you could say that daddy bloggers are raising the bar for all future fathers. Long gone are the parenting roles of our fathers and our fathers’ fathers (you can go on ad nauseum with that). The 21st Century dad is involved. He is hoisting his child, or children, high above his head (remembering to lift you’re your knees) and shouting, “I am Daddy! Bring me the diaper bag!”

I want this blog to do that as well. I hope that I can create dialog as useful/rewarding/entertaining to you, the reader, as other New Daddy bloggers have been for me. But unlike the other New Daddy blogs, I want to give you the ‘from the start’ perspective (not like that, get your mind out of the gutter). Raising the child is really the beginning of a new period. Getting pregnant and preparing for the child is something else entirely and I want to take you through that as well.

Along the way you will get a lot of stuff secondary to being pregnant – food, friends, life, work, etc. – but all geared toward to the context of being pregnant with twins and getting ready to become a father, a daddy. Of course, as with any narrative, names will be changed to protect the innocent – except mine, because I won’t sue me. If at any time you get lost, or you miss the introduction of a character, you can always refer to the cast of characters, available here.

As with any first person narrative, there is a risk of having too many eyes (Is, get it?). I did this, I went here, I saw this, I, I, I, I, I, I, ….aaaaaah! I will, in the words of Chuck Pahlaniuk, endeavor to submerge the eye (I). That is, try to keep it’s use to a minimum. Although, looking back thus far, the effort doesn’t seem top notch. Gotta keep an eye out for that. There will also be a concerted effort to keep the mundane to a minimum – e.g., went to the store for baking mix, forgot wallet, went back home…yada, yada, yada. You get the idea.

So let’s bring you up to speed.

The next few entries will be the back story, if you will; how we came to be pregnant (again, get your mind out of the gutter), when we told the family, what they told us, visits to the docs, etc., etc., etc.